The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung invites progressive young leaders between 25 and 35 years to apply for the first edition of the Eastern European Academy for Social Democracy, which will take place from 20th till 27th of November 2016 in Germany (Berlin, Schwerin).
Goals of the programme:
Goals of the programme:
- The Academy is primarily aimed at around 25 candidates who are committed to social democratic values, and who are interested in strengthening the political dialogue between their nations and the bilateral relations of their home countries with Germany and the European Union.
- Besides promoting peaceful dialogue, mutual understanding and the exchange of social democratic policies the academy offers participatory workshops on practical key competences and soft skills.
- Furthermore, the programme will provide a deep insight into the political situation of the respective host country and high level discussions with politicians and civil society experts.
- As an expected outcome the Academy wants to create a growing, sustainable network of Eastern European future leaders who are willing to facilitate dialogue orientated processes in connecting young, committed, and progressive people who are open to find new ideas on how to cooperate within Europe.
Programme overview:
- In future, the academy will take place four times per year in different countries of the region with changing topics and workshops. In the first meeting in Germany in November this year the programme will contain planning know-how in the skills part and principles of a social and democratic foreign policy on the knowledge part. Furthermore, participants can expect meetings with politicians, journalists that are specialized on Eastern Europe and other political actors on both the national and the regional layer in Germany.
- Most probably in 2017 the programme will take place in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. Intended topics are: socio-economic principles, energy and sustainability, and social justice (knowledge); conflict resolution and negotiations, media training, and convincing with arguments (skills).
- Participants of the first edition are welcome to apply for future editions as well. The sustainable work with alumni as well as the creation of a strong progressive network within the project region will play a significant role and require a long-term commitment by the participants. That includes willingness and competence in organizing political contact programmes in your country on the national and regional layer – together with the organizers of the programme.
- The overall working language is English. All costs related to the programme will be covered by the organizers.
Candidates’ requirements for participation:
- Citizenship of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, the Russian Federation, or Ukraine.
- Between 25 and 35 years of age
- Command of English language
- Young leader in a progressive political party or a social democratic youth organization; young member of Parliament, junior government official or activist in civil society.
- Willingness to support organizing an interesting and target orientated programme in the candidate’s own country for the other participants of the programme when the academy will take place there.
- Willingness to actively take part in alumni activities in order to help to create a growing, sustainable network of alumni.
Process of application:
- Please, submit a letter of motivation and a one-page CV by 15th of October to Olga Melykh: The letter should include not only your personal motivation but also 2-3 ideas why the creation of a network like this is meaningful for future cooperation in Europe. The motivation letter should not exceed two pages.
- Short listed candidates will be invited to a Skype interview throughout October.