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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Global Change Leaders Program 2014

The Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program offered by Coady Institute’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership. This program enables women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities in order to contribute to innovation and change in their organizations and communities.  Program participants engage in learning grounded in real world experiences and focused on Coady’s core thematic areas. Through a shared learning environment with other emerging women leaders from around the world, participants are exposed to a range of experiences and the beginnings of a potentially lifelong network of support.

In operation since 2011, the Global Change Leaders program provides successful candidates with a full scholarship that includes tuition, travel, accommodations, and meals. Program participants also benefit from the guidance and mentorship of accomplished women leaders from around the world. The program is led by a core team of Coady International Institute staff and supported by other Coady faculty and associates.

Program Eligibility
This program is targeted to emerging women leaders from developing countries who are working on development issues.  These are women who:
  • Possess a minimum of four years of demonstrated leadership experience in a social or economic development endeavour in sectors such as livelihoods or inclusive economic development, food security, environment, access to education and health care, governance, and the rights of girls and women;
  • Have great drive and passion for their work, demonstrated through their outstanding contributions in their organizations and communities; 
  • Are practitioners in civil society organizations including community based organizations and not for profits, or active in public or private institutions, donor/philanthropic agencies, social movements or in a social enterprise/business;
  • Hold a university degree or a combination of post-secondary education and experience; and
  • Have strong oral and written English language competencies.

Program Schedule and Components

For 2014, the Global Change Leaders Program consists of two main components:

1. August 25 - October 10, 2014:  A seven week on-site intensive course at the Coady International Institute in Antigonish, Nova Scotia where a collaborative relationship is fostered among facilitators and participants to draw out lessons and insights from their rich and diverse experiences. This consists of:
a.  A foundation module, in which participants focus on leadership theories and essential competencies, analysis of gender, citizenship and power, practical understandings of these concepts and their application for women leaders within their own contexts, strengthening capacities for social innovations, partnership building in a multi-stakeholder environment, and enhancing abilities to realize citizen-driven asset-based development.
b.  Electives, focusing on Coady Institute’s key thematic areas of promoting accountable democracies, building resilient communities and strengthening local economies.
c.  A final module,  in which participants articulate an action plan for how they will take their new learning home to provide leadership in their organizations and communities and continue to work towards empowering other women moving forward.
2. October 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015:  Participants will benefit from one-on-one mentoring from experienced women leaders upon their return home for up to six months to follow on the application of learning into practice.  Mentors and mentees will be matched during the residency period based on specific needs and geographic locations.   Participants will also join a global alumni network of women leaders.

How to Apply

Applications are now being accepted for the 2014 Global Change Leaders Program.  The application deadline is January 17, 2014 at 11:59 EST. Applications will only be accepted electronically using the online form

In the online form, applicants are asked to provide the names, contact details and the email addresses for two persons who can provide a recommendation for the candidate.  The people named as references will receive an email from Coady’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership with a link to reference form that they can complete online. Your references will also receive an email once their form has been successfully submitted. Applicants should ensure that they have notified their referees prior to submitting their application.  Applications which do not have two references will not be reviewed.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a skype interview no later than 31 March 2014.

Global Change Leaders program provides successful candidates with a full scholarship that includes tuition, travel, accommodations, and meals. Program participants also benefit from the guidance and mentorship of accomplished women leaders from around the world.

With any questions, please contact the organizers at 

Read more:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Merit Next Leadership Development Program

This unique program will support 120 young people to develop and to use their talent in the spheres of Entrepreneurship, Business, Science & Technology, Media, Culture and Politics & Public Service through mentoring with professionals and networking with peers. It is year-long leadership development program for people of merit from around the world selected after completing a series of global challenges designed to showcase their commitment to making a positive impact in their community.

In June 2014, the Merit Next Fellows will convene in the U.K. (London & Liverpool) for two weeks of inspiration, aspiration assessment, and team building. Before departing for their home countries, the participants will be divided into 10 teams and assigned a project to find an innovative and sustainable market-driven solution to a pressing global concern (e.g., environmental sustainability, access to health care and education, childhood hunger, and youth unemployment). 

For the next 11 months, the Fellows will engage virtually in weekly project collaborations, online training and education, and one-on-one mentoring designed to support personal and professional life plans. In June 2015, the group will reconvene in the U.S. (NYC & Washington, DC) to present their final reports to a panel of entrepreneurs, executives and venture capitalists; the winning project will be highlighted in the Merit Next global media campaign.

Who Can Apply? 
Those who are complacent need not apply. At World Merit, they focus on helping emerging leaders – young people with the drive and willpower to make a difference.
This program is open to young leaders from every country and any background, based on merit.

The deadline to apply is 30 April 2014.

Send your questions to or

More information can be found HERE

Monday, November 25, 2013

2014 Millennium Youth Camp

Jump at the opportunity to apply for the 2014 Millennium Youth Camp and maybe you will be among our new bunch of lovely and talented campers who will meet each other face-to-face first time in Finland on 3 June 2014. The one-week long camp ends on 11 June. AND REMEMBER: all your costs (including flights) will be covered!

The International Millennium Youth Camp is a free of charge programme addressed to young people worldwide interested in mathematics, natural sciences, information technology and other sciences. The camp focuses on these themes: environmental science and technology; climate change; renewable natural resources and energy; water; information and communication technology and digitalisation; and applied mathematics. It includes lectures, workshops, visits to companies and universities and time for social activities. The camp will take place on 3 – 11 June 2014 in Helsinki, Finland.

Millennium Youth Campers are young people interested in natural sciences, mathematics and technology who want to start up a career in these fields. The week-long camp has been organized every June since 2010, and during the camp, Campers are introduced to a number of Finnish companies and higher educational institutions. Also, they have a wonderful opportunity to get to know Finnish expertise and top-level research.
The most important part of the camp is project work supervised by top-level experts and carried out in small multi-national groups. Students will start working on the projects around 2 months before the camp online and will bring their work to completion during the camp. The Grand finale will be at the end of the camp, when students present their work at the Millennium Youth Camp Gala.

All young people born between years 1995 and 1998, interested in mathematics, natural sciences, information technology and other sciences. Applicants must have good English-language skills as the camp programme and all related material are only produced in English.

All educational activities, travel, accommodation and food are free of charge.

The deadline to submit application is 15 December 2013. Please use the online application form

From these applications 200 young people will be chosen for the second round on 3 February 2014. They will be given the task of drawing up on their own a plan for a project relating to the topics. This plan must be sent in by 3 March 2014. The project work will be examined and some of the young people will then be interviewed by telephone. The names of the 60 participants chosen for the camp will be published on 17 March 2014. The participants will be chosen by a team of experts comprising representatives from Finnish universities and from Millennium Youth Camp partner companies.

Send your questions to

More details HERE.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cambridge Law Faculty PhD Studentships for 2014

The Law Faculty of the University of Cambridge is offering up to 3 studentships for new PhD students commencing doctoral research in 2014/15. The value of a Scholarship will be up to £20,000 each year for three years. They are available for Home UK/EU and Overseas students undertaking full time research towards a PhD in private law, corporate law or tax law, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance. Studentships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and research potential.
The studentships include a requirement that scholars contribute to the Law Faculty as part of their research training, in the form of providing up to 10 hours a week of teaching (in term time) on the LLM in private law papers (International Commercial Litigation, Law of Restitution, Commercial Equity), corporate law papers (Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Corporate Insolvency), or tax law papers (International Commercial Taxation).

There is no separate application form for a studentship. The selection of students for these awards will be based on the PhD application to the Faculty.

To be considered for a studentship, applicants must submit a Graduate Application Form [GRADSAF] for admission to the PhD in Law by not later than 15 January 2014. After submitting the application form, applicants have a further 14 days to upload the required supporting documentation (such as transcripts, references, and a detailed research proposal). Applicants should indicate in their research proposal that they wish to be considered for a Law Faculty studentship.

Please note, however, the earlier deadlines for the University’s main funding schemes and AHRC funding –see

Queries about the studentships may be addressed to

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November Opportunities for Young Media Makers

Middle East and North Africa Committee call for team members 
Deadline: November 18th, 23:59 CET
Interested in the media, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa? Our Middle East and North Africa committee, menac, is looking for new team members!
Find the call here

Europe and Me: Young Journalists Award  
Deadline postponed: November 15th
Fed up of reading the same old Euro crisis articles? The Europe & Me Young Journalist Award is giving young Europeans the chance to win a €500 cash prize, online publication, and an invitation to a journalism workshop in Berlin or Hamburg for writing about Europe in a fresh, personal and transnational way! E&M is looking for engaging journalistic articles of 1500–2000 words, written by under-30s from the EU, partner and neighbouring countries, who are not professionally employed as a journalist. Submissions can be on any European topic as long as it’s approached transnationally (in a way that makes it directly relevant to at least two European countries). We suggest you read the latest E&M magazine to get ideas!
For more information, please visit 

"It's Time!" PERL Media Competition 
Deadline: December 13th 
The PERL Media Competition has three different categories that are all linked to sustainable/responsible living. The media categories are: SHOOT – Videos/ Short Films, WRITE – Magazine/Press Articles and SNAP – Photos. The main theme for the PERL Media Competition is TIME. 
For more information, please see the call on

Advanced Training for a Young Journalist, Italy  
Deadline: November 15th
In the context of the establishment of the ANSA New Europe Portal the Central European Initiative (CEI) will award one (non taxable) fellowship of €1,500 per month for the duration of seven months, for a young journalist from a CEI country. The selected candidate will join the Secretariat of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in Trieste, Italy.
For more information, please see the call on 

Mobile photography contest accepting entries 
Deadline: December 3rd 
Photographers who use mobile phone cameras can submit images to a contest. The Mobile Photo Awards is a competition promoting cellphone photography and art.
For more information, please see the call on

Kiplinger journalism fellowships open  
Deadline: November 30th
Print, broadcast or online journalists with five or more years of experience can apply for this fellowship. The Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism offers short-term fellowships to help make better use of new online tools and channels. The fellowship runs April 6-11 at Ohio State University in Columbus.
For more information, please see the call on 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

2nd International Summer Academy in Peace-Building & Intercultural Dialogue

Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD) is glad to announce its next International Summer Academy in Peace-building & Intercultural Dialogue, which is going to be held in Baar, Switzerland, on 17.08 - 27.08.2014. Its image as one of the most favourable places for traveling has made it more interesting to offer an exited and comprehensive program for our participants. Our experts, who are professionals in their fields will contribute to this event, with many years of experience in peace and conflict studies.    

Nowadays unfortunately several frozen or ongoing conflicts between or within states still exist. Conflicts are different and if we look to the world mankind, how they are facing many new challenges, coupled with new dangerous situations, i.e. terrorist acts, non-legal arming of conflict sides, re-determination of borders, establishing new countries in the world map, non-providing territorial integrity, trafficking of arms, drugs and human; disputes on the implementation of transnational energy projects, democratization and false elections, revolution and internal political conflicts, armed guerrilla movements, violation and discrimination by nationalists, world economic crisis, climate change and unsafely biodiversity etc. Unfortunately the list is long. Conflicts are related and an integral part of human beings, as conflicts cause violation of human rights. 

Existing conflicts weaken every kind of cooperation between nations and states. Without mutual cooperation and understanding, the future prosperity of the region would remain only as a good dream. Taking into consideration of peaceful behavior and engagements, we can make a decision on the strict belief, that opportunities for solving conflicts are feasible. Because in every conflict situation and tension forms we consequently face the below mentioned common situations:
1. Desperate situation and non-solving problems are not eternal;
2. It is possible to make common decision which both sides;
3. We can find common values, traditions and similar situation among conflict parties;
4. Protracted conflicts on the same time endanger regional development and prosperity;
5. Any mediation and negotiation actions are better than nothing.

Main Goal 
The main goal of the summer academy is to support institutional academic peace education and strengthen peace-building skills and intercultural dialogue of the international society.

Language of the program  
The International Summer Academy will be held in English. 

Deadline for submission of application via email and payment of participation fee: 30 June, 2014.

Read more and apply:

Friday, November 1, 2013

University of Groningen Talent Grant

The Eric Bleumink Fund awards scholarships to talented students and young researchers from developing countries. Such scholarships enable them to further develop as individuals and to make important contributions to the development of their own countries. Since 2000, the year the fund was started, the EBF has handed out over 40 scholarships. This means more than 40 young, ambitious and very talented people were able to follow an additional study at the University of Groningen. Here they were introduced to an academic culture, libraries and  international contacts they are often lacking in their homeland.

The grant is awarded for a 1 year or 2 years Master’s degree programme at the University of Groningen. The grant covers tuition fee, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance. Please note that a considerable number of students apply for this scholarship each year, whereas the University can issue only a limited number of grants.

The primary objective of the Eric Bleumink Fund is to provide financial support to Master’s students and PhD students from developing countries who wish to pursue a Master’s degree or a doctorate (see the list below for eligible countries). This initiative will not only improve the cooperation between the University of Groningen and universities in developing countries, but will also raise the level of academic expertise in these countries.

Applicants must be from one of the following countries of origin: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Central African Replublic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, China, Colombia, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kiribati, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Moldova, Mongolia, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Namibia, Niue, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, East Timor, South Korea.

Criteria for approval:
  1. academic excellence, shown by academic performance and may be confirmed by letters of recommendation from university professors;
  2. contribution of candidate’s education in terms of strengthening the scientific capacity in the candidate’s home country;
  3. perspectives to a long-term linkage between the home institution and the University of Groningen.

Application Procedure

The deadline for applications is 15 January 2014. To be nominated the student needs to be (conditionally) admitted to one of the Master’s programmes. Nominations will be handled by the admissions officers.

Master’s degree programmes: A step-by-step application guide
  1. First the candidate should apply for admission to a Master’s programme at the University of Groningen.
  2. When the candidate applies for this admission, he or she must indicate on the online application that he/she wishes to be nominated for a Eric Bleumink Fund scholarship.
  3. If the study programme board agrees with the candidacy for a EBF scholarship, they will send a standard application form including the motivation of the candidate to the Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund prior to 1 March. Per study programme only two candidates can be nominated.
  4. The Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund will take a decision during their meeting in March.
  5. The study programme and the candidate will both be informed on the decision taken by the Board.
  6. If a candidate is selected the coordinator and the candidate will have contact on the details of his or her arrival. If necessary he/she can contact the Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund for extra assistance.
Read more here:

Friday, October 25, 2013

The International Youth Forum 2013 in Lutsk

The International Youth Forum in Lutsk (Ukraine) will take place on 30 November – 01 December 2013. The Forum organizers aim to create the conditions necessary for the exchange of experience and cooperation between youth organizations around the world. Within two days of the Forum various presentations, discussions, trainings and tours around the ancient city of Lutsk will be held. The organizers will provide participants of the Youth Forum with meals and accommodation, as well as interpreters and a guide for each delegation.

The Forum agenda is quite rich, consisting of the Forum events and competitions among the participants. The program will determine the winners in the following categories : “Best presentation of the NGO” , “Best Video Clip of the NGO”, “Best Poster of the Event” and others. The winners will receive gifts or financial rewards. The program of the Forum is a series of round tables with the guests of honor of the event. Together with the participants of the forum they will discuss current issues that apply to young people and common European future.

Special attention will be paid to the discussion of the European integration processes and Association Agreement with the EU. These topics are to increase the competence of the youth in relations between the EU and Ukraine. We understand the importance of them and fully support initiatives that contribute to the convergence of Ukraine with the EU.

The International Youth Forum in Lutsk is an opportunity to gain new experience and learn about new solutions for the development of your organization and establish necessary contacts for the future cooperation with other organizations. In addition, it is a good opportunity to visit the ancient Ukrainian city with nearly a thousand years of history. So, we invite youth organizations of various orientations to join the International Youth Forum in Lutsk and present your organization internationally.

The Lutsk Forum will be a kind of 21st century congress of young monarchs like back in 1429 when Lutsk hosted a congress of European monarchs.

Who Can Apply?
Participation in the Forum is open to non-governmental organizations around the world, initiative groups, public figures. You don’t necessarily have to be a registered institution, but you can be a group of social activists etc.

Participation in the Forum is free. The organizers will provide meals and accommodation. Transport travel costs (for foreigners) are partially covered for the eagers through short-term grants from organizations.

How To Apply?
Application must be submitted electronically. Applications are accepted on (subject: forum) by 19 November 2013.

For more information, please contact or visit the official website.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October Opportunites For Youth Media Makers

Middle East and North Africa Committee call for team members 
Deadline: November 5th

Interested in media, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa? Apply as a voluntary team member of the Middle East and North Africa Committee (menac) of the European Youth Press. The committee works to enhance the voices of young journalists and media-makers from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, to promote intercultural dialogue and the development of a better contextualisation of the respective regions.

For more information, please see the call on

Media Agenda Talks, London School of Economics, London Autumn 2013  
Each autumn the journalism think tank Polis invites a dozen media practitioners to discuss the latest trends as part of their yearly Media Agenda Talk series of public lectures. This year, speakers include Tom Standage, Digital Editor at the Economist, Amanda Farnsworth, Head of BBC Visual Journalism and many more. The event is free and open for all.

For more information, please see the call on 

"Young voices against poverty" Video Contest  
Deadline: November 1st
The European Commission has just launched a video contest in the run-up to the European Development Days (EDD13). Entitled “Young voices against poverty: What would you change? Have your say!”, the contest will include young voices from around the world in the debate about the future of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

For more information, please see the call on

Grants for European Exchanges of Media Practices  
Deadline: December 15th
MEDIANE supports European Exchanges of Media Practices (EEMPs) involving journalism and media training centers, mainstream, community media, minority and diversity media, journalists’ unions, organisations of media owners etc. These exchanges intend to allow various media actors to strengthen and enlarge their competences in terms of journalism training and practice or media content production with the view of including diversity and non-discrimination in their everyday practice.

For more information, please see the call on     

Europe and Me: Young Journalists Award  
Deadline: November 1st
Fed up of reading the same old Euro crisis articles? The Europe & Me Young Journalist Award is giving young Europeans the chance to win a €500 cash prize, online publication, and an invitation to a journalism workshop in Berlin or Hamburg for writing about Europe in a fresh, personal and transnational way!

For more information, please see the call on

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

BayernMUN 2014

bayernMUN is a Model United Nations Conference that is held in Germany and offers first-class facilities, challenging topics, a competent chair, an environment conducive to professional negotiations and a chance to prove your skills to recruiters and even to find a job. bayernMUN offers a unique Model UN experience by allowing you to work and negotiate together with a colleague delegate, representing the diplomatic interest of your chosen country in a large committee. Our competent conference staff will ensure fair and interesting negotiations, always with an open ear for your needs.

  • Effective teamwork with your partner
  • Self-confidence in negotiations with large groups of delegates
  • Routine with the Rules of Procedure
  • Delivering speeches in front of a large committee
  • Enjoying the company of many like-minded students in the same situation as yours
The 2014 bayernMUN conference will be held in Neuendettelsau (near Nuremberg) between February 21st – 23rd 2014.  

The provisional agenda of the 2014 bayernMUN conference includes:
  1. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism
  2. Promoting Sustainable Development Practices in Transnational Corporations
  3. Addressing the Custom of Child Marriage and its Impact on Girls
To make this variety of topics accessible in a single committee, the bayernMUN conference will be simulating a General Assembly Plenary session. Contrary to NMUN, it will operate with its own agenda.

bayernMUN hosts a select range of companies that are interested in motivated and internationally educated students: As a delegate, you will be able to find internships or even job positions.

This Model UN conference is open to young people interested in representing the diplomatic interests of their country in a large committee.

bayernMUN operates on a non-profit basis. Costs cover actual expenses. The fee of 129 EUR includes participation, conference materials, first-class accommodation, full board, snacks and beverages during sessions and even job opportunities! Groups of 8 delegates or more may be eligible for a small discount, please contact the organizers for further information.

Please use the online registration formRegistration ends on 31 January 2014. Participation with a committee partner is highly encouraged, as it will provide you with valuable teamwork experience and practice. In this case, registration of both delegates is necessary.

If you have any questions concerning bayernMUN, feel free to contact

Friday, October 4, 2013

Quota Scheme Scholarships

The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries and countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia through the Quota Scheme. The objective of the scheme is to promote the internationalisation of higher education. Currently, the scheme provides full scholarships for a total of 1 100 students, of which 800 are from developing countries and 300 from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Each year universities and university colleges in Norway are allocated a certain number of quota students. The scheme normally includes courses taught in English at Master’s and PhD level, in addition to certain professional degrees. 

The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund is responsible for managing the financial support provided for the Quota students. Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. About 30 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 70 per cent as a loan. However, the loan portion may be waived when the student returns to his/her home country after completing the course of study. Students who stay in Norway after finishing their studies or take up residence in another country than their home country must repay their loan. Normally, the financial support given will not exceed a time span of four years for one definite study plan or a combination of two programmes. Part-time studies are not supported. 

Finding a study programme/institution of interest

See the participation institutions’ websites to find more detailed information about the study programmes, available courses, admission requirements and application procedures concerning the Quota Scheme. You may also search the online Master’s programme catalogue which provides an overview of all study programmes at Master’s level that are offered in English at Norwegian universities and university colleges. 

All inquiries should be directed to the International Office at the institution in question. Applications should be sent directly to the institutions and SIU is not responsible for received applications.

The deadline for applications for the Quota scheme is usually 1 December every year. Some courses and educational programmes may have other deadlines.

Recruitment enrollment

The Quota Scheme will only enrol students from institutions (organisations, universities, authorities) which have collaboration agreements with Norwegian universities or university colleges. Norwegian institutions usually do not admit free movers (individual applicants) to this scheme. Only in very special cases will free movers be considered. Please contact the institutions directly for individual information. 

Students who come to Norway as self-financing students will, as a rule, not be considered as being qualified for the Quota Scheme.

To find out which institutions collaborate with Norwegian institutions, please refer to the websites of the Norwegian institutions. You could also ask your home institution about whether they have any sort of collaboration with Norwegian universities / university colleges from the list of participating institutions.

Basic general requirements

As a student, you must apply directly from your home country. You must have stayed at least one year in your home country directly prior to the planned course of study at the Norwegian university /university college. To be eligible to apply for the Quota Scheme, you must be able to find your home country on this list.
Students usually apply for degree programmes that serve as a continuation of their studies in their home country or for courses which can be a joint part of a degree programme in their home country (joint degree or sandwich programmes). Most of the programmes offered are at Master’s or PhD level, but the Quota Scheme also offers certain Bachelor’s study programmes.

All candidates should typically have the following basic qualifications:
  • Secondary school certificates
  • Minimum two years of higher education from their home country
Some exceptions apply for certain professional educational courses at Bachelor’s level. 

The GSU-list (has been compiled by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - NOKUT) with the general entrance requirements for applicants with higher education qualifications from abroad. NOKUT is the Norwegian governmental organisation for recognition of foreign higher education. If you cannot find your academic papers on the list you may contact NOKUT directly to get an evaluation of your certificates. 

Basic language requirements

Most of the study programmes offered under the Quota Scheme are taught in English. Applicants who are not native English speakers therefore must document their proficiency in English. Requirements may differ between institutions and various study programmes. Please see the university /university college’s website for more details about language requirements.

A few courses in the Quota Scheme are offered in Norwegian and require good skills in the Norwegian language. Students admitted to study programmes that are mainly taught in Norwegian may receive additional financial support for studying Norwegian language for one year prior to their study. 

Admission to the Quota Scheme is highly competitive and meeting the minimum requirements is no guarantee for enrollment.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Eastern Partnership and the EU: On the Way to a Deeper Cooperation

The 2nd National Selection Conference of EYP Armenia on “Eastern Partnership and the EU: On the Way to a Deeper Cooperation” will take place on 1-3rd November, 2013 in Yerevan, Armenia. More than 100 delegates from all regions of the country and abroad will come together for this three-day program to discuss the specified topic under the motto “I.D.E.A: Initiate, Debate, Empower, Advocate”.

The session will be hosted by one of the best and well-equipped universities in Yerevan, American University of Armenia. In the scope of the National Selection Conference, the delegation of 3 people will also be chosen based on the Independent Jury’s assessment and the voting of the 100 delegates to represent Armenia at the 75th International Session of European Youth Parliament in Riga, Latvia in March of 2014.

The call for officials, the media team and international delegates has been launched. The delegates will be allocated in the 7 committees to discuss the assigned topics in the scope of “Eastern Partnership and the EU: on the way to a deeper cooperation” broad theme. The EYP Armenia team will be also organizing a range of evening activities to create platform for non-formal and cultural communication as a supplement to the academic aspect of the conference, including Euroconcert, pub crawl, walking tour in Yerevan, etc.

Who Can Apply?
The conference is open to young people 15-28 year-old, active youth, students coming from Armenia, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Participation Fees
Participation fee for Armenian delegates is 5 Euro (covering lunch, coffee breaks, conference materials). Participation fee for international delegates (including journalists) covering accommodation in the Guest House is 35 Euro, without accommodation – 5 Euro. Yet, there is no participation fee for Chairs. International delegates should tae care of their own travel costs to and from Yerevan.

Application Process
If you want to gain an unforgettable EYP experience, fill in the online application form here.
If you want to apply as a chair or journalist, use the following application here.

  • Deadline for the International participants: October 1, 23:59 CET
  • Deadline for the Armenian participants: October 5, 23:59 CET
  • Deadline for the Chairs and the Media team: September 25, 23:59 CET
More information on the upcoming 2nd National Selection Conference, including detailed description of the topics and fees can be found in the info package here.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mawista Scholarships for Extraordinary Personalities 2013/2014

Diversity enriches the educational landscape. Therefore, Mawista wants to provide students with unconventional curriculum vitas with the necessary support to fulfill their educational aspirations. The main focus is on the applicant’s personality and personal background rather than hard criteria like GPA or length of study. To apply for this scholarship, you have to show us how your extraordinary personality contributes to the diversity in the educational landscape:
  • You have changed your field of study multiple times but have finally found your true calling?
  • You are a long-term student and proud of it?
  • You grew up in a commune but decided to study business administration?
  • You came from China to Germany in order to study vitriculture?
  • In your high-school diploma you had a D in mathematics but decided to study the subject nevertheless?
  • You had to break down extraordinary barriers to reach your goals?
We are looking for people who are breaking with established stereotypes and have achieved or experienced the unusual. If you count yourself among this group then apply now. International as well as German students are equally encouraged to apply. 

The scholarship:
Supporting diversity is taken seriously by us. The scholarship recipient receives a monthly scholarship of 500 Euros during a 12-month period. This way you have more time left to fulfill your educational aspirations.

Who can apply: 
There are no limitations of the country of origin. Students from all over the world can apply for this scholarship.

How to apply:
Apply now by sending us the attached application form and a short curriculum vitae at

Selection process:
  • Applications can be submitted online until the 15th of January 2014.
  • Our jury selects five finalists untilthe 30th of January 2014.
  • A winner will be chosen through public vote. The public vote will be held from the 1st until the 15th of February 2014.
Read more

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Oxford Undergraduate Scholarships for Low Income Countries

A number of Reach Oxford scholarships are offered to students from low income countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because suitable educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries.

Scholarships are available for new students applying for an undergraduate degree in all subjects except for medicine. Not all colleges are able to offer Reach Oxford Scholarships every year. If you are accepted by a college that is not participating in the scheme, this will not prevent you from applying for and being awarded a scholarship. If your application is successful, arrangements will be made to transfer you between colleges.

Eligible to apply for the scholarship are candidates from the low-income countries.

This scheme is only suitable for candidates of the highest academic ability who have outstanding examination results. However, financial need and social commitment are also major criteria for selection. Applicants should be intending to return to their country of ordinary residence following their studies.


The scholarship covers university fees and college fees, a grant for living expenses and one return air fare per year for the period of 3 or 4 years, depending on course length.

How to Apply

Candidates must first apply for admission to the University by 15 October 2013. 

Students should note they must apply for admission to the University before they can be considered for a Reach Oxford Scholarship. The University is unable to consider any scholarship applications from students who have not been offered a place at Oxford.

Scholarship applications for 2014 entry will then open in December 2013 and close in February 2014 (exact dates are to be confirmed).

Friday, September 6, 2013

September Opportunities for Young Media Makers

Screening grants available for human rights films

Deadline: September 30th
Movies that Matter offers up to EUR 5.000 (US$ 6.675) and advice to initiate human rights film festivals and help circulate and exhibit human rights films in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.
For more information, please see the call on

GEO-5 Travel award for journalists and bloggers

Deadline: October 15th
Bloggers and journalists from all around the world are encouraged to submit their work.

The United Nations Environment Programme UNEP announced a two-category competition for the best published (1) newspaper or magazine article, and (2) blog post, on a topic related to the GEO-5 related to the Latin America and Caribbean region.

Entries can be in Spanish or English (regional languages in which GEO-5 is currently available).

For more information, please see the call on 

Call for Press Delegates at the Hamburg Model United Nations, 5-8 December, Germany

Deadline: September 30th
Apply for the press team of the biggest Model United Nations in Germany: The Hamburg Model United Nations, which will be held between 5 and 8 December. The 2013 theme is Taking Sustainability Seriously- Resolutions for Environmental Balance, Peace, and Social Justice.
For more information, please see the call on

EU Health Prize for Journalists

Deadline: September 30th
The European Commission has opened a call for submissions for the fifth edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists. It is awarded to stimulate high-quality journalism that raises awareness of issues related to healthcare and patients’ rights.

For more information, please see the call on 

Savewater! International Photography Competition

Deadline: September 30th
In its sixth year, the Savewater! photography competition calls both aspiring and professional photographers to get snapping and capture the value of water in an image. The competition is designed to recognize creative talent by capturing imagery that depicts the value of water as the key focus. Entries are judged on portrayal of the theme ‘Celebrating the value of water’ as well as photographic quality, including composition, creativity and artistic quality, visual impact and technical competence.
For more information, please see the call on


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  1. Click on the radio buttons as
    they are selected randomly by the computer.
  2. 1 point per hit, minus 1 point per miss.