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Friday, October 25, 2013

The International Youth Forum 2013 in Lutsk

The International Youth Forum in Lutsk (Ukraine) will take place on 30 November – 01 December 2013. The Forum organizers aim to create the conditions necessary for the exchange of experience and cooperation between youth organizations around the world. Within two days of the Forum various presentations, discussions, trainings and tours around the ancient city of Lutsk will be held. The organizers will provide participants of the Youth Forum with meals and accommodation, as well as interpreters and a guide for each delegation.

The Forum agenda is quite rich, consisting of the Forum events and competitions among the participants. The program will determine the winners in the following categories : “Best presentation of the NGO” , “Best Video Clip of the NGO”, “Best Poster of the Event” and others. The winners will receive gifts or financial rewards. The program of the Forum is a series of round tables with the guests of honor of the event. Together with the participants of the forum they will discuss current issues that apply to young people and common European future.

Special attention will be paid to the discussion of the European integration processes and Association Agreement with the EU. These topics are to increase the competence of the youth in relations between the EU and Ukraine. We understand the importance of them and fully support initiatives that contribute to the convergence of Ukraine with the EU.

The International Youth Forum in Lutsk is an opportunity to gain new experience and learn about new solutions for the development of your organization and establish necessary contacts for the future cooperation with other organizations. In addition, it is a good opportunity to visit the ancient Ukrainian city with nearly a thousand years of history. So, we invite youth organizations of various orientations to join the International Youth Forum in Lutsk and present your organization internationally.

The Lutsk Forum will be a kind of 21st century congress of young monarchs like back in 1429 when Lutsk hosted a congress of European monarchs.

Who Can Apply?
Participation in the Forum is open to non-governmental organizations around the world, initiative groups, public figures. You don’t necessarily have to be a registered institution, but you can be a group of social activists etc.

Participation in the Forum is free. The organizers will provide meals and accommodation. Transport travel costs (for foreigners) are partially covered for the eagers through short-term grants from organizations.

How To Apply?
Application must be submitted electronically. Applications are accepted on (subject: forum) by 19 November 2013.

For more information, please contact or visit the official website.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October Opportunites For Youth Media Makers

Middle East and North Africa Committee call for team members 
Deadline: November 5th

Interested in media, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa? Apply as a voluntary team member of the Middle East and North Africa Committee (menac) of the European Youth Press. The committee works to enhance the voices of young journalists and media-makers from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, to promote intercultural dialogue and the development of a better contextualisation of the respective regions.

For more information, please see the call on

Media Agenda Talks, London School of Economics, London Autumn 2013  
Each autumn the journalism think tank Polis invites a dozen media practitioners to discuss the latest trends as part of their yearly Media Agenda Talk series of public lectures. This year, speakers include Tom Standage, Digital Editor at the Economist, Amanda Farnsworth, Head of BBC Visual Journalism and many more. The event is free and open for all.

For more information, please see the call on 

"Young voices against poverty" Video Contest  
Deadline: November 1st
The European Commission has just launched a video contest in the run-up to the European Development Days (EDD13). Entitled “Young voices against poverty: What would you change? Have your say!”, the contest will include young voices from around the world in the debate about the future of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

For more information, please see the call on

Grants for European Exchanges of Media Practices  
Deadline: December 15th
MEDIANE supports European Exchanges of Media Practices (EEMPs) involving journalism and media training centers, mainstream, community media, minority and diversity media, journalists’ unions, organisations of media owners etc. These exchanges intend to allow various media actors to strengthen and enlarge their competences in terms of journalism training and practice or media content production with the view of including diversity and non-discrimination in their everyday practice.

For more information, please see the call on     

Europe and Me: Young Journalists Award  
Deadline: November 1st
Fed up of reading the same old Euro crisis articles? The Europe & Me Young Journalist Award is giving young Europeans the chance to win a €500 cash prize, online publication, and an invitation to a journalism workshop in Berlin or Hamburg for writing about Europe in a fresh, personal and transnational way!

For more information, please see the call on

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

BayernMUN 2014

bayernMUN is a Model United Nations Conference that is held in Germany and offers first-class facilities, challenging topics, a competent chair, an environment conducive to professional negotiations and a chance to prove your skills to recruiters and even to find a job. bayernMUN offers a unique Model UN experience by allowing you to work and negotiate together with a colleague delegate, representing the diplomatic interest of your chosen country in a large committee. Our competent conference staff will ensure fair and interesting negotiations, always with an open ear for your needs.

  • Effective teamwork with your partner
  • Self-confidence in negotiations with large groups of delegates
  • Routine with the Rules of Procedure
  • Delivering speeches in front of a large committee
  • Enjoying the company of many like-minded students in the same situation as yours
The 2014 bayernMUN conference will be held in Neuendettelsau (near Nuremberg) between February 21st – 23rd 2014.  

The provisional agenda of the 2014 bayernMUN conference includes:
  1. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism
  2. Promoting Sustainable Development Practices in Transnational Corporations
  3. Addressing the Custom of Child Marriage and its Impact on Girls
To make this variety of topics accessible in a single committee, the bayernMUN conference will be simulating a General Assembly Plenary session. Contrary to NMUN, it will operate with its own agenda.

bayernMUN hosts a select range of companies that are interested in motivated and internationally educated students: As a delegate, you will be able to find internships or even job positions.

This Model UN conference is open to young people interested in representing the diplomatic interests of their country in a large committee.

bayernMUN operates on a non-profit basis. Costs cover actual expenses. The fee of 129 EUR includes participation, conference materials, first-class accommodation, full board, snacks and beverages during sessions and even job opportunities! Groups of 8 delegates or more may be eligible for a small discount, please contact the organizers for further information.

Please use the online registration formRegistration ends on 31 January 2014. Participation with a committee partner is highly encouraged, as it will provide you with valuable teamwork experience and practice. In this case, registration of both delegates is necessary.

If you have any questions concerning bayernMUN, feel free to contact

Friday, October 4, 2013

Quota Scheme Scholarships

The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries and countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia through the Quota Scheme. The objective of the scheme is to promote the internationalisation of higher education. Currently, the scheme provides full scholarships for a total of 1 100 students, of which 800 are from developing countries and 300 from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Each year universities and university colleges in Norway are allocated a certain number of quota students. The scheme normally includes courses taught in English at Master’s and PhD level, in addition to certain professional degrees. 

The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund is responsible for managing the financial support provided for the Quota students. Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. About 30 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 70 per cent as a loan. However, the loan portion may be waived when the student returns to his/her home country after completing the course of study. Students who stay in Norway after finishing their studies or take up residence in another country than their home country must repay their loan. Normally, the financial support given will not exceed a time span of four years for one definite study plan or a combination of two programmes. Part-time studies are not supported. 

Finding a study programme/institution of interest

See the participation institutions’ websites to find more detailed information about the study programmes, available courses, admission requirements and application procedures concerning the Quota Scheme. You may also search the online Master’s programme catalogue which provides an overview of all study programmes at Master’s level that are offered in English at Norwegian universities and university colleges. 

All inquiries should be directed to the International Office at the institution in question. Applications should be sent directly to the institutions and SIU is not responsible for received applications.

The deadline for applications for the Quota scheme is usually 1 December every year. Some courses and educational programmes may have other deadlines.

Recruitment enrollment

The Quota Scheme will only enrol students from institutions (organisations, universities, authorities) which have collaboration agreements with Norwegian universities or university colleges. Norwegian institutions usually do not admit free movers (individual applicants) to this scheme. Only in very special cases will free movers be considered. Please contact the institutions directly for individual information. 

Students who come to Norway as self-financing students will, as a rule, not be considered as being qualified for the Quota Scheme.

To find out which institutions collaborate with Norwegian institutions, please refer to the websites of the Norwegian institutions. You could also ask your home institution about whether they have any sort of collaboration with Norwegian universities / university colleges from the list of participating institutions.

Basic general requirements

As a student, you must apply directly from your home country. You must have stayed at least one year in your home country directly prior to the planned course of study at the Norwegian university /university college. To be eligible to apply for the Quota Scheme, you must be able to find your home country on this list.
Students usually apply for degree programmes that serve as a continuation of their studies in their home country or for courses which can be a joint part of a degree programme in their home country (joint degree or sandwich programmes). Most of the programmes offered are at Master’s or PhD level, but the Quota Scheme also offers certain Bachelor’s study programmes.

All candidates should typically have the following basic qualifications:
  • Secondary school certificates
  • Minimum two years of higher education from their home country
Some exceptions apply for certain professional educational courses at Bachelor’s level. 

The GSU-list (has been compiled by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - NOKUT) with the general entrance requirements for applicants with higher education qualifications from abroad. NOKUT is the Norwegian governmental organisation for recognition of foreign higher education. If you cannot find your academic papers on the list you may contact NOKUT directly to get an evaluation of your certificates. 

Basic language requirements

Most of the study programmes offered under the Quota Scheme are taught in English. Applicants who are not native English speakers therefore must document their proficiency in English. Requirements may differ between institutions and various study programmes. Please see the university /university college’s website for more details about language requirements.

A few courses in the Quota Scheme are offered in Norwegian and require good skills in the Norwegian language. Students admitted to study programmes that are mainly taught in Norwegian may receive additional financial support for studying Norwegian language for one year prior to their study. 

Admission to the Quota Scheme is highly competitive and meeting the minimum requirements is no guarantee for enrollment.

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