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Thursday, March 14, 2013

MA and PhD in Civilization Studies in Turkey

Full academic scholarships are available for applicants to PhD or MA in Civilization Studies programs at the Alliance of Civilizations Institute in Istanbul.

The Alliance of Civilizations Institute is a graduate school specializing in Civilization Studies, offering MA and PhD degrees. The instruction and research in the institute is characterized by a global perspective which finds its expression in the multidisciplinary and multi-lingual approach adopted by the Institute. Turkish, English, Arabic and Spanish are among the languages which are used in graduate education. Disciplinary perspectives from social and human sciences are employed while studying a particular civilization.

+ Successful applicants will automatically be given positions as Research Assistants and/or Teaching Assistants and be exempted from tuition and health insurance fees.
+ Students meeting the highest standard of academic excellence and language competency will be given a monthly stipend of 2,000.00 TRY (the highest financial support to be given to a foreign student nationwide) while subsequent students based on admission rankings will receive monthly stipends ranging from 1,000.00 to 1,500.00 TRY to cover their living expenditures.
+ Foreign applicants who cannot provide Turkish proficiency will be given a full financial support for a one-year program of Turkish language proficiency course which is usually held at TÖMER in Istanbul.
+ There are also grants available for students who would like to take a summer language (Arabic) program in a selected Arab country.

Application Requirements:
1. Outstanding GPA score in an undergraduate program.
2. GRE, GMAT, ALES or other test measuring your suitability for graduate/research programs
3. Documentation of English language proficiency such as certificates from TOEFL, IELTS, etc.
4. Copies of relevant diplomas and transcript of records
5. Contacts of two referees (they will be asked to provide letters after you are shortlisted)
6. Statement of purpose
7. Optional: documents of Turkish and/or Arabic proficiencies

For more details regarding the application process and other administrative procedures or inquiries please contact Asst. Prof. Dr. Nagihan Haliloğlu, the vice-director, at

The application deadline is on Wednesday, 1 May 2013.


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