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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Seminar on Market Freedoms and Fundamental Rights

Jean Monnet Chair of European Public Law of the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law organizes International Seminar on Market Freedoms and Fundamental Rights which will be held on April 18-25, 2010, in IUC Dubrovnik.

The Seminar is aimed for:
- undergraduate and graduate students of law
- doctoral students and researchers
- junior public servants

A limited number of travel and subsistance grants will be offered to participants presenting a research paper. Deadline for submission of abstracts (500 words) is January 15, 2010. Selected candidates will be invited to submitt the paper in Dubrovnik. Deserving contributions will be published in the Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy. There is a possibility to participate in the seminar without presenting a paper.

Paper proposals should be sent by e-mail to the following address:

- submission of paper proposals: January 15, 2010
- submission of papers: April 10, 2010
- submission of final papers for publication: June 15, 2010
- registration (without paper - limited number of places): please send a motivation letter


Authors of accepted papers will receive grants covering reasonable travel expenses and lodging with breakfast for 4 days. There is no need to submit any additional grant applications.

A limited number of grants is availible for advanced students and young professionals (participants without paper).

Applicants from non-EU European states who want to take part at the conference (without paper) may be elegible for IUC grants. Such applicants should submitt the grant application form and submitt it to the IUC directly.

Application form for scholarship can be downloaded here.

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