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Saturday, January 30, 2010

PhD in Social Sciences, Berlin

Humbolt University of Berlin and Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) are calling for applications to the International Doctoral Program in Social Sciences starting in the fall of 2010. Outstanding academic records, methodological training, strong theoretical foundations, and a commitment to empirical research are expected. Applicants may submit their applications via the BGSS online platform in the period from January 5 to February 15, 2010.

The BGSS promotes doctoral research in the social sciences at the Institute of Social Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It is part of a regional network of leading research institutions such as the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), the Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and part of European networks of graduate programs.

Research proposals should relate to the comparative analysis of:
  • Varieties of social inclusion (problems of class structure, social inequality and legitimacy; problems of migration and cultural diversity; social movements and social conflict).
  • Varieties of democracy (performance of mature and young democracies; transition to democracy and autocracy; the role of civil society in modern democracies; welfare states, political institutions and democracy; the democratization of supranational institutions).
Preference is given to proposals linking both research areas. Depending on the applicant’s methodological and theoretical knowledge, a place is offered either in the three year international Doctoral Program or the Introductory Year.

Doctoral researchers are awarded scholarships of 1200€/month for up to 36 months, contingent on the successful completion of each year. Pre-doctoral candidates may receive funding of 800€/month for the duration of the Introductory Year.

For further information please visit or contact via

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