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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2nd International Summer Academy in Peace-Building & Intercultural Dialogue

Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD), an independent, international non-profit and non-religious institute located in Lucerne, Switzerland, is very glad to announce its next International Summer Academy in Peace-building & Intercultural Dialogue, which is going to be held in Switzerland 2014. Its image as one of the most favourable places for traveling has made it more interesting to offer an exited and comprehensive program for our participants. Our experts, who are professionals in their fields will contribute to this event, with many years of experience in peace and conflict studies.    

Nowadays unfortunately several frozen or ongoing conflicts between or within states still exist. Conflicts are different and if we look to the world mankind, how they are facing many new challenges, coupled with new dangerous situations, i.e. terrorist acts, non-legal arming of conflict sides, re-determination of borders, establishing new countries in the world map, non-providing territorial integrity, trafficking of arms, drugs and human; disputes on the implementation of transnational energy projects, democratization and false elections, revolution and internal political conflicts, armed guerrilla movements, violation and discrimination by nationalists, world economic crisis, climate change and unsafely biodiversity etc. Unfortunately the list is long. Conflicts are related and an integral part of human beings, as conflicts cause violation of human rights. 

Existing conflicts weaken every kind of cooperation between nations and states. Without mutual cooperation and understanding, the future prosperity of the region would remain only as a good dream. Taking into consideration of peaceful behavior and engagements, we can make a decision on the strict belief, that opportunities for solving conflicts are feasible. 

Because in every conflict situation and tension forms we consequently face the below mentioned common situations:
1. Desperate situation and non-solving problems are not eternal;
2. It is possible to make common decision which both sides;
3. We can find common values, traditions and similar situation among conflict parties;
4. Protracted conflicts on the same time endanger regional development and prosperity;
5. Any mediation and negotiation actions are better than nothing.

Main Goal 
The main goal of the international summer academy is to support institutional academic peace education and strengthen peace-building skills and intercultural dialogue of the international society.

Within the international summer academy we plan to include different workshops, lectures, presentations, interactive group works, brainstorming on conflict places, mediation operations and peace negotiation activities as well as case studies on ongoing-fragile conflicts in the world (depends experts availability).
Participants will acquire knowledge and skills from lecturers/experts who are working on peace building, mediation, negotiation, conflict transformation, intercultural dialogue and non-violence and other correspond fields at the research centers, universities, INGOs and state organs. 
In the training, both visual/dynamic methods will be used, such as schedules, tests, surveys, direct interviews, distribution of questionnaires and other methods of observation. Every expert will take 1-2 days for his lecture and workshops. We will send educational materials and daily programs of the summer academy to the selected participants. 

Language of the program  
The International Summer Academy will be held in English.   
Please download application & other related documents on coming international summer academy 

Potential participants 
A broad range of interested Participants can apply for the International Summer Academy on Peacebuilding & Intercultural Dialogue; such as representatives of Governmental Organs, INGOs, IOs, Companies, freelance researchers, diplomats, political parties, independent mediators, PhD students, NGO leaders, peace workers/activists and who want to develop their academic knowledge and capacities, who have intention to join missions in conflict regions, who work and live in countries with ongoing tensions.

There are no age or country limits for the application. Requested documents (see below) for application has to be sent till the 30 June 2014 to

Please send your application in WORD format with your CV, Passport Page (Only photo page) and name the documents as “NAME” “SURNAME” “COUNTRY” “DOCUMENTS NAME”.

More at

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Advanced Programme in European Law and Economics 2014 in Riga

Advanced Programme in European Law and Economics for Eastern Partnership Region and Central Asia is a special 12-week full-time training programme, funded by the government of Latvia, offering education and practical knowledge transfer. The programme starts on 15 September 2014. Graduation is planned for Friday 5 December 2014.

The programme will focus on the understanding of the legal, economic and political aspects within the European Union framework, using an interdisciplinary approach that is based on both teaching and practical experience through group activities and experience-sharing study visits.

Total programme duration is 12 weeks. The programme implementation includes 2 week periods of small group courses, followed by 1 week periods with project reports and study visits.
During the 2 week periods, participants will take part in 3 courses that are taught in parallel. The weekly workload is estimated at 30 hours, with mandatory participation, and the same applies to the weeks specified for project reports and study visits.
During study visits, experience-sharing is planned with institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Saeima, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Ombudsman.
Visits outside of Latvia are scheduled, such as to Brussels and Luxembourg, so as to allow for interfacing and receiving practical experience of the European Union and its Member States.
During the final period of instruction, participants will be required to submit a final programme report, based on their reflections on the theory and practice of the topics addressed during the course. The participants will be assigned a supervisor for their work on the final programme report.
English language support is offered as an elective with 2 hours per week throughout most of the course. 

Public officials, as well as representatives of civil society and academia from the European Union Eastern Neighbourhood, including Eastern Partnership region and Central Asia can apply.  In 2014 the programme countries include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. 

With respect to the mandatory attendance of the course activities, the programme is offered free of any cost by the Latvian Government.
Cost coverage for the participants will include travel to Riga and accommodation during the 12 week period of the programme, as well as a modest per diem for living expenses in Riga. Travel and other costs will also be covered for study visits.
Participants are expected to contribute in the form of active participation and full dedication to the programme during the 12 weeks. This year, a select group of 15 participants, will be admitted to the programme.
Courses will be taught in an intensive format over the 2 week periods, and independent work is expected during the project and study visit weeks. A final programme report will form the basis for a successful conclusion of the programme and reception of a certificate.
Participants will obtain 18 ECTS credits that may be recognised when continuing in the Masters programmes at RGSL and at other cooperating educational institutions. 

Applicants are required to supply the following:
  • Motivational letter
  • Description of present job function
  • Curriculum vitae, which should include at least 2-3 years of professional experience
  • Copies of university diplomas
  • Recommendation letter
  • Confirmation of the ability to undertake studies in English
Applications should be submitted online and the deadline for submission is 1 July 2014.
A selection committee will review all applications, and results will be announced by 15 July 2014.
Questions may be submitted to the contact e-mail address:
Programme Coordinator Ulla Zumente – Steele
Phone: +371 67039212
Fax: +371 67039240

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

SynCity 2014 Summer School

The Technische Universitat Dresden (TUD) is organizing the SynCity 2014 Summer School (September 17, 2014 – September 30, 2014). From a practical perspective and through interdisciplinary workshop formats, the summer school SynCity 2014 wants to explore how the inevitable technology push of smart technologies can be directed towards more social, human, and urban sustainable development.

The idea of "smart" and "intelligent" systems pervades all levels of urban environment. Mostly associated with ICT, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things, "smart" concepts still demand clarification and original interpretation. For the SynCity summer school 2014, TU Dresden invites up to 20 excellent young researchers, PhD-students and PostDocs from all over the world with an interest in technology development and socio-ecology to explore future trends in urban design.

Within the conception of the SynCity 2014 summer school, the acronym 'Syn' stands for two key concepts:
1) SYNCHRONISATION – the coordinated and harmonized interaction of multiple urban systems which is requisite for a truly smart city; 2) SYNERGY – the creativity and innovation that emerges when smart people from different fields, countries, and cultures meet and exchange ideas.
Participation is limited to 15 international participants. Additionally 5 PhD students from TU Dresden can take part at SynCity. From a practical perspective and through interdisciplinary workshop formats, the summer school SynCity 2014 wants to explore how the technology push of smart technologies can be directed towards more social, human, and urban sustainable development.

In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must be a researcher, who are in an early stage of their academic career, such as PhD students, Post-Docs, and junior faculty, from all over the world.

With the application to the summer school, candidates automatically apply for a refund of up to 90% of the travel expenses. Candidates will be informed about the exact funding with the letter of acceptance. Travels need to be arranged individually and independently by the participants. The summer school organisation committee does not arrange any travels.

Accommodation costs of international participants are covered by TU Dresden (5-/6-bed multi-shared rooms including breakfast) at the Hostel Mezcalero.

You can submit your application no later than June 15, 2014.

To apply the participation in the summer school and a travel grant for up to 90% of your expenses, please send  to the e-mail address the following documents:
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Official document proving your enrollment for/accomplishment of PhD studies
  • Filled in document “Personal and scientific statement” (download template on this webpage)
  • Work sample (paper, thesis chapter, project)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Africa Scholarship Program at Alma Graduate University in Bologna

Alma Graduate School, together with the Foundation for World Wide Cooperation, introduces the Africa Scholarship Program for the Academic Year 2014-2015. This Scholarship Program aims to facilitate the participation of 10 young bright talents from Africa, wishing to pursue an MBA and contribute to the social and economic development of their continent.

Candidates need to be citizens of an African Country, hold an undergraduate degree, be proficient in English and have 2 years of professional experience. Beneficiaries will be asked to sign a letter of understanding about the importance of repatriation and contribution to economic and social development of Africa. 

The candidates need to apply for the admission to the 1st level Master Universitario Program in Business Administration. Find more information about the International MBA Program here.

Each of the 10 Scholarships includes:
  • 100% cover of tuition fee (€27,000);
  • grant up to € 10,000 (gross) to cover travel expenses to Italy and living costs in Bologna during the MBA program.
  • Deadline Round first: May 5th, 2014 
  • Deadline Round second: June 30th, 2014

Scholarship application materials should be sent as PDF files to by 5 May and 30 June 1:00 PM:
  • Scholarship application form;
  • Certificate or evidence of individual and family income;
  • Certificate or evidence of parents’ job.

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